Tuesday, June 9, 2009

6 months


I can't believe it has been 6 months! My babies are getting so big. They are doing great...and so am I. I love being the mom of twins...and I love being the momma of 4. I am truly so blessed. I will have to post a pic of Luke soon, but here is one of my recent favorites.
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Monday, June 8, 2009

Adopted Family

I have a great big family that I love dearly. We have shared in births, deaths, hopes, fears, holidays, birthdays, and regular old days with lots of living, laughter and love. These fine folks are not blood relatives, but they are all my family.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

4 months

Well, the Taylor's have survived 4 months with the twins and things are going well. We were doing pretty well with a schedule for everyone until we took our cross-country trip to WV. It was a wild ride, but worth it. We had a great time! But readjusting to "normal" life is taking some time.

I do want to take a few moments and share some of our trip highlights.

I was a little nervous about the success of our trip when the night before we were to leave, I got a flat tire. So instead of leaving at 5 a.m. as planned, we did not get started until 10 a.m. The blessings in that were I found the flat in my church parking lot with wonderful friends to help change it and watch the kids. Also with the late start, we stopped short of our intended destination which was hit that night with tornadoes-hhhmmmmm.

The next day our DVD system broke so we stopped to get another one (necessity) which put us behind again, so we did not make it to Nashville. That night Nashville was hit with tornadoes and killed nine people-dodged the bullet again.

Then on the third day (yes, I said third day) we were about 200 yards shy of being hit by a car that lost control on the 4 lane and hit the wall and spun around. Eric and I both prayed and thanked God for his blessings of protection disguised as delays in our trip that were annoying at the time.

While in WV, luckily things were pretty uneventful in the car. We enjoyed Easter with the family. The boys received way too much candy from all the baskets they got from the grandparents. My sister and brother were both able to meet and hang out with the twins which was great! We got to visit with old friends and family that we do not get to see that often. We also had a blast at my brother's wedding where my boys were dancing fools!

April also marked the date for my eldest turning 6. Jacob is turning into quite the little man.I can't believe how fast the time has passed! On his birthday, we had his party in the park with a big-bouncy moonwalk. The party was at 5:30 and at 4:30 it started to rain. Of course I was getting worked up and upset by the rain. I was reminded quickly by my son to get myself in check. He said, "Don't worry Mommy. God is just trying to give me a rainbow for my birthday." The party was a huge success and yes, it did rain and the kids loved it! Oh well.

Thanks for checking in on us and keeping us in your prayers. Hope you enjoy the pics. I have more on my facebook page if you want to check them out.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

3 months

I just can't believe that it has been 3 months that the Taylor twins have been with us...but that is the case. I am so happy to report that everyone is adjusting well, is happy and healthy. Jacob and Sean love on the little ones all the time and the twins adore their big brothers. Rebecca has found her thumb and is so cute sucking it. Luke smiles every time someone smiles at him or talks to him. He is just a happy little guy. Both babies are around 12 pounds and have dropped one night feeding. So I actually can get about 5 hours of sleep at once if I take advantage of it. Yeah!!!!
We are gearing up for a big cross country trip to WV for my brother's wedding in April. That should be an adventure.
Here are a few pics to enjoy.
God Bless.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Try again

For some reason I could not get these two photos attached to the previous blog so here is Rebecca before church today in her super cute outfit Aunt Brenda gave her. Sean is having a little cookie with his sprinkles :)

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Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day everyone! Things here with the Taylor's are getting better. Two weeks ago Sean got a nasty case of the flu...he passed it to Jacob...and Jacob passed it to Eric. Eric is feeling a little better, but I am still keeping my distance just in case.

The twins are smiling much more as you can see...I only wish they were progressing as well with sleeping through the night :) They had their 2 month check up and both babies were over 10 pounds! Luke weighed 3 ounces more than Rebecca. Luke has a little issue with his neck. He does not turn his head to the left on his own and struggles when I try and make him. We are going for an x-ray and PT eval this week to make sure all is ok. Besides that, their check up was perfect.

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I actually have two of these bibs even though they are photographed together. I couldn't get them both smiling in the same shot.

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Jacob decorating our Valentine's Day cookies.

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Thanks for checking on us. We will talk to you soon.

Monday, February 2, 2009


As promised, I am adding some new photos and giving a quick update on the Taylor house. I only missed my week update by 2 days....and that ain't bad :)

The babies are starting to give us smiles. We have to really work at it, but they are starting to be in response to our smiles and silly talk rather than just gas. We still have not settled into a schedule, but they seem to be happier much more than not which seems to make the rest of the house happier.

I still can't believe they are 8 weeks old, but they are growing so fast. My back is letting me know that they are putting on the pounds...especially Luke.